Trinidad and Tobago was the venue for the first fashion extravaganza hosted by F.A.M.E. Caribbean. 

The “ON STAGE” Fashion show & Entertainment took place on November 25, 2017 at the National Academy for the Performing Arts in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and showcased designers from the Caribbean region.

Fashion designer Lynda Osborne presented her collection “Cosmic Journey”, featuring avant garde looks.  F.A.M.E. is the brainchild of Savile Row’s Andrew Ramroop of London. The show was sponsored by Caribbean Airlines, TT’s CNMG TV and Savile Row Academy of London.

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Lynda Osborne, fashion designer TT

Lynda talks about the fashion workshop on the Morning Brew. 2015

Lynda-Osborne-on-TV6-Morning-Edition-March-20151  Fazeer chats with Lynda Osborne TV6 Morning Edition.  2015

I-am-a-fashion-diva-promo-1024x667Trinidad and Tobago fashion designer Lynda Osborne  being interviewed on the CnC 3 Morning Brew , 2013

Below Lynda Osborne wearing a design from her Futuristic Cubism collection at the Hyatt in 2013

Mode TT was held at the Radisson hotel May 2015.

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